Welcome to our brand new website!

What a journey so far! 

When I set up Musigamy in 2016, as many young entrepreneurs, I started from scratch with no songwriter, no client, no vision yet of what will become my company. It is always hard to communicate about something you need to build. However convincing is already a need to create a team, to get the confidence from the writers. Hard to create a decent website in these conditions! ahah

More than seven years later, we have achieved some exciting challenges and have been developing a clear vision of how we are helping our songwriters and clients to bring more value with their talent and music. We have been so lucky to build through the years strong relationships with more and more partners and we can see the future with much ambition.

At this step, coming back to communication to explain who we are and what we do makes total sense. That’s the reason why we decided to dedicate proper time and resources to work on this beautiful brand we brought to this mature state and we are proud of. 

It means a new visual identity created by the talented Pierrick Guidou, already responsible of the artwork for some of in-house projects and a more active communication on social media as well as this great website thanks to the contribution of the amazing Victoria Ory (11ème Dimension).

We can’t say how happy we are to work with her after many years of collaboration when she was at CSDEM.

Musigamy is a company probably more known for its remarkable expertise in rights administration and the fact to be one of the first to be always in to talk about our great job with passion to give a better understanding to artists and music professionals about what we do.  We are not just admin, we share all the challenges that are facing our clients and are excited to bring adapted solutions to each of them. We are animated by a passion for building bridges between the administrative and creative worlds.

Musigamy is also a team, I would like to dare to say a family of talented songwriters in whom we believe strongly, we crossed a lot of development steps  and have been investing on for years. We aim at making their names, faces and music known from all the followers and music industry fellow through this new era of active pulic communication. You will see and hear more during the next few months!

Thanks a lot for following and supporting us! I hope  this website and all the communication to come will make you  know more about our activity and vision of every aspect of music publishing.


Philippe Manivet, CEO of Musigamy

© Pierrick Guidou

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Musigamy welcomes Zoé Simpson!